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The meeting will be held at Napier, New Zealand on Monday 14 January at 1000.


  1. To receive the committee reports and annual accounts for the year up to 31 November 2001.

  2. (a) To elect the following officers and members of the committee:
    Vice president, Southern hemisphere
    Publicity manager
    Chairman, technical committee

    (b) To record changes in the composition of the technical committee.

  3. Appointment of an auditor

  4. Membership subscriptions

    The committee recommends that the subscription for associate members be raised from £10 for 10 years to £10 for 1 year. The annual subscription for full members will not change. This is £39-00 for up to 30 members. For each additional member the charge is £1-50.


    (numbers in the margin refer to class rule 12)

    Delete: class rule 12

    12. MAST

    12.1 Measurement. The spar and its fittings shall comply with the class rules in force at the time of the fundamental measurement of the spar.

    12.2 Manufacturer. The manufacturer is optional.

    12.3 Materials. The mast shall be made of wood, aluminium alloy, glass fibre, carbon fibre, polyester, epoxy, or any combination of these. The sail track may be of plastic.

    12.4 Construction. The construction of the mast is optional, but shall comply with the following requirements:

    12.4.1 The aft side of the mast track shall be constructed straight and the line of the track, extended if necessary, shall be not more than 10mm outside the aft edge of the mast ring at the deck.

    12.4.2 The diameter of the mast at the deck shall be not less than 94mm, including the bearing ring if fitted.

    12.4.3 The diameter of the heel of the mast shall be 73mm ± 3mm, including bearing ring if fitted.

    12.4.4 No part of the mast shall be more than 60mm from a straight line joining the centre of the heel and a point 20mm forward of the aft edge of the mast at the upper point. If the mast has a permanent set, it shall be held straight when this measurement is taken.

    12.4.5 Permanently bent masts are prohibited, but a set due to distortion of not more than 100mm is permitted.

    12.5 Fittings.

    12.5.1 Mandatory

    a) Gooseneck, attached to the mast in such a way that the mast and boom rotate as one
    b) Mast head fitting: halyard sheave box

    12.5.2 Optional

    a) Deck ring
    b) Heel fitting
    c) Burgee clip
    d) Halyard fittings
    e) Kicking strap attachment
    f) Wind indicator

    12.6 Dimensions.

    Mast datum point   270mm below mast lower point

    Fore and aft cross section
    Excluding a max. 15 mm external sail track but not deck ring or other fittings
    From heel point to 2000mm above MDP60mm
    At 5000mm above MDP30mm
    Above 5000mm above MDP30mm
    Taper, if any, will be uniform
    Transverse cross sectionminimum
    From heel point to 1000mm above MDP62mm
    At 5000mm above MDP22mm
    Above 5000mm above MDP20mm
    Taper, if any, will be uniform
    Limit mark widthminmax
    Lower limit mark10mm 
    Upper limit mark: whole of mast and fittings above upper point
    Limit mark height
    Lower point height above deck265mm275mm
    Upper point height above lower point 5400mm

    12.7 Weights.

    12.7.1 Mast weight, including fixed fittings, excluding halyard min 6kg

    12.7.2 Corrector weight, fastened permanently to the outside of the mast above the deck max 0.6kg

    12.7.3 Centre of gravity above the heel point min 2100mm

    12.8 Mast Sail Limit Marks
    Limit marks shall be in a contrasting colour and clearly visible while racing.

    12.9 Movement
    Movement of mast at deck or heel 7mm

    12.10 Security
    There shall be a device of adequate strength such that the mast will not come out of the step when the boat is capsized.

  5. Proposal from the British Association on the scoring system for championships. "That the series scoring system be changed to the Low Point System for both World and European championships."

  6. European Championship 2003
    The German Association has offered to host the European Championship in 2003. It would be at Warnemünde SC during Warnemünde Week and we would have our own course.

    B Andrews