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Interdominion Championships 1998

Glenelg Sailing Club / Adelaide / Australia

To Results

Report, courtesy John Dunne
Results, courtesy Peter Nielsen

The 1998 OK National and Open Championships were held at Glenelg, a suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. For those who have not been to Glenelg it is best described as the fun park of Adelaide. At various times - an athletic carnival, a horse jumping championship and a mardi gras all shared the beach front with the OKs.

The water off Glenelg is called the St. Vincents Gulf. It is a large shallow area of water with moderate chop and moderate wind - however, it can also produce big waves when there are big winds from the south. Surfing these waves in an OK dinghy can be a buzz or terrifying.

Heat 1 was scheduled to be a morning race but was postponed to due to no wind. Race started at 1330 hours in 5-6 knot winds from the SW with moderate to flat seas. Temperature was around 34 degrees C. Fleet got away after several general recalls and the black flag. Most of the fleet started sailed to the left up the beach or up the middle - Mark Fisher went to the right and at one stage was out there by himself. He got it right and was well placed first time around the weather mark. The light conditions suited the Northern Europeans with B. Moczorodynski, POL, being a clear winner.

  1. POL 6 B.Moczorodynski
  2. NZL 501 D. Bush
  3. NZL 369 G. Wilcox

Heat 2 was sailed late afternoon immediately after heat 1 in 15 knots plus from SW in rising seas and 1 metre plus waves. Local big weather sailors showed the others how to grunt Carl Schmidt being first around the top mark and Roger Blasse second. Roger went through Carl on the reach to have a considerable lead at the leeward mark and went on to a comfortable win. Rogers strength is his down wind speed and will be hard to catch in these winds. The heavy conditions clearly favoured the Aussies and New Zealanders as they dominated top placings.

  1. AUS 678 R. Blasse
  2. AUS 697 C. Schmidt
  3. NZL 498 N. Mannering

Heat 3 was sailed in the morning in moderate seas and 10-12 knots. Again after what seemed to be the several mandatory restarts and black flag - the race got under way. Again most of the fleet went to left up the beach. Andre went up the middle and led from start to finish.

  1. Andre Blasse AUS
  2. David Rose GBR
  3. Roger Blasse AUS
  4. Karsten Hitz GER
  5. Greg Wilcox NZL
  6. Carl Schmidt AUS

Heat 4 scheduled to start at 1000 but was delayed due to no wind. Race started at 1400 hours in 6 Knot SW wind in light to moderate seas. These conditions have proven to suit Europeans and today was no exception. Alistair McMichael went left up the beach and was a clear first around the top mark. Alistair looked a winner, but a wind shift on the second beat changed placings allowing sailors on right hand side of course to benefit.

  1. GBR 2074 T.Curtis
  2. AUS 1970 A.McMichael
  3. GER 711 R.Prinz
  4. GBR 2046 A.Deaves
  5. GBR 2085 D.Carroll
  6. GER 672 K.Hitz

Race 5 canceled.

Heat 6 Again - morning race sailed in 10-12 knots SW wind in light to moderate seas. Europeans failed to preform to expectations in conditions which appeared to favour them.

  1. AUS 698 A.Blasse
  2. AUS 670 M.Fisher
  3. AUS 678 R. Blasse
  4. NZL 502 J. Weston
  5. DEN 1280 J.Lindharsen
  6. GER 672 K. Hitz

Heat 7 Started in 25 plus winds from SW in big seas. Many of European boats had difficulty handling conditions with rescue fleet being kept busy. Roger Blasse, who had previously shown that big waves hold no fear, again won comfortably. This was the race that showed what Glenelg can produce and why local sailors like to come here - coming down the face of one of those big curlers is a buzz.

  1. AUS 678 R. Blasse
  2. NZL 498 N.Mannering
  3. GER 672 K.Hitz
  4. AUS 666 P.Jackson
  5. DEN 1280 J.Lindharsen
  6. GBR 2054 K.Carroll
Plc.Sailno.Boat NameNameR1R2R3R4R5R6Tot
1AUS 698The BeastA.Blasse541161DNS40
2AUS 678StinkFistR.Blasse4313293146.4
3GER 672K.Hitz376466348.8
4NZL 369The WaterG.Wilcox31051714DNS74.7
5AUS 694PsychoactP.Milne4498818881
6DEN 1280J.Lindharsen21521DSQ5584
7NZL 481J.Porebski93710228786
8NZL 498N.Mannering2433738132100.7
9SWE 99OttoH.Elkjear1021151416DNF106
10AUS 696Change ofP.Horne35111873011107
11BEL 44B.Bomans2812DNF101920119
12AUS 621FloozyD.Watt56202492515123
13AUS 670ReturnOfJM.Fisher11DSQ7132DNF124
14AUS 666Choc DogP.Jackson23262623214125
15GBR 2085ElkD.CarrollDNF232552817127
16AUS 673ParkATigeM.Jackson14DSQ9422310128
17AUS 610CorsairJ.Gibson721813112928129
18NZL 501YoungBlooD.Bush28DNFDSQ918134
19AUS 543M.Johnson73517343413135
20GBR 2042N.Craig471312DSQ1123136
21GBR 2074IntoxicatT.Curtis16393915524142
22NZL 490Grey GhosB.Morrison172822452722146
23GBR 2084D.Rose541624112DNF150
24NZL 503Free RadiD.Hoogenboom33DSQ16182430151
25AUS 644BuckshotB.Chapman134730274214156
26NZL 497P.Rhodes461528367PMS162
26AUS 1970DaylightA.McMichael303632237DNF162
28GBR 2054HeinekenK.Carroll5814DNF33226162.7
29SWE 2740J.Persson2227DNF47329167
30GBR 2046EmptyVessA.Deaves203436447DNF169
31GBR 2080G.Waldron183347265316170
31SWE 2742A.Persson152529DSQ5021170
33AUS 692Dining wiB.Buchanan633241302612171
34AUS 676Seaman StR.Davis672242214325183
35GBR 2073James BloH.FletcherDNF17201915DNS184
36NZL 500R.Wood41714DNF31DNF189
37GER 618SpiritP.Scheuerl5524233920DNF191
37AUS 672JoansBaneD.Ketteridge84154325129191
37GER 690J.Dissel43811DNS44DNF191
40AUS 688YesterdayP.Richards5119312538DNF194
41GER 679O.Gronholz714033125633204
42POL 31A.Pawlowski2629383745DNS205
43NZL 499A.Mannering19DNF195617DNF207
44AUS 697GrungleC.Schmidt1226DSQDNSDNS209.7
45AUS 693Pale RideR.Brown573046484019213
46AUS 514OldObsessS.Moore2548442848DNF223
47POL 6B.Moczorodyns15534DSQ41DNS226
48AUS 643Blew GeneP.Taylor663512057DNF226.7
49GER 711R.Prinz524535370DNS231.7
50AUS 648AquariusB.Tyler364668624935258
51AUS 618Hard OnW.Wettenhall5060451559DNF259
52AUS 655PanacheD.Coleman295657676532269
52DEN 1291F.Hansen6631495439DNF269
54AUS 679J.Graham34435246DNFDNF271
55POL 45M.Jankowski735164515426276
56AUS 689Gee WhyG.Yates535059586127277
57SWE 2741K.Nystrom6554533152DNF285
58AUS 546TewuilaT.Bellair594960DSQ5831287
58AUS 690Ballast FS.Wilson2667634062DNF287
60AUS 695The WifeP.Yates3166565266DNF301
61GER 707T.SchmidtDNFDNS405336DNF308
62AUS 605Summer SaK.Knott486173DNS6334309
62AUS 699Cha-U-KaoA.Rowett4953486368DNF309
64SWE 2701T.Hansson-MilDNSDNS273533DNS311
65AUS 681Footrot FJ.Corby3959704471DNS313
66GBR 2060BackBreakG.CaseyDNF42725946PMS315
67NZL 467Dirty DeeR.Hengst6952614364DNF316
68GER 622C.Hartmann40DNF626660DNF324
70NZL 484G.Pedersen6058584973DNS328
71AUS 691G SpotA.Wettenhall3268656569DNS329
72NZL 475Rough RedD.Munro62445557DNFDNS331
73GER 634One Non-BB.Taufenbach3862676075DNS332
74AUS 637ScoopP.Blunt706971617836337
75AUS 684SynergyJ.Wilson6164665567DNF342
76AUS 431DisintegrS.Burdon6865745074DNF353
77GBR 2071TosserA.Atkin6457696472DNS356
78GER 698Blue ClouJ.DellasDNSDNS43DNS35DNF360
79NZL 493G.Lambert45DNS506877DNS363
80DEN 1246A.AndersenDNSDNSDNSDNS10DNF385
81AUS 675Stagger LK.KnottDNF70756976DNF386
82GBR 2048R.Thorne42DNFDNS7079DNS389