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World Championship 1995

Felixstowe, England

80 competitors from 11 countries participated in 1995 OK world championship held from July 22-28 at Felixstowe Ferry (UK).

The weather was good during the whole week, the wind was coming from different directions, but every day, except for one, steady and strong enough to sail against the strong tidal currents. The third race was held in moderate to strong winds and moderate waves. On Wednesday no racing was possible, in the morning because of to big waves and strong winds, in the afternoon the starting procedure was abandoned because of a thunderstorm coming. After one day without sailing, it was only possible to sail six of the scheduled seven races.

During the last race it was, in light winds, possible for both Bjorn Foerslund (SWE) and Jorgen Lindhardtsen (DEN) to become World champion, but Bjorn got the advantage. Jorgen had to win with Bjorn finishing worse than 4. But at the last leeward mark Bjorn was worse than ten and Jorgen was seventh. The leading boats went to the left, which had been the favoured side before, but Jorgen and Rudiger Prinz (GER) went to the right, hoping for a windshift caused by a cloud. As the fleet came together again Jorgen was first, only 200m to sail to become World champion the second time after 1978, but Rudiger overtook him on the finish line. The World champion 1995 in the OK Dinghy is Bjorn Foerslund.

Raphael Szukiel from Poland is the new Junior OK Champion.

Point System: "Olympic": 1st=0; 2nd=3; 3rd=5,7; 4th=8; 5th=10; 6th=11,7; place+6

1B. FørslundSWE 273636331943,828,8
2J. LindhardtsenDEN 12802847224430
3U. BrandtDEN 127311071131370,751,7
4M. v. ZimmermannGER 6934284111810356
5D. RoseGBR 20592020617382,456,4
6B. MoczorodynskiPOL 6763DSQ6145146,159,1
7K. HitzGER 672831244219760
8B. HultgrenSWE 27327110159DSQ15265
9P. WaymouthNZL 4913911125DSQ16275
10M. FisherAUS 68050598132914993
11A. PawlowskiPOL 311318119161912297
12H. FletcherGBR 207326131956DNF184,797,7
13T. Hanson-MildSWE 272814141818DNF17198111
14A. McMichaelAUS 12191723DNF14201114
15R. PrinzGER 6345363225321159117
16A. RushworthGBR 2067322416122611157119
17H. ElkjaerSWE 2729191714243616162120
18D. CarrollGBR 19855474019196180,7120,7
19J. WilleGER 69928152917287160125
20I. BallersteinGER 60711302231354167126
21N. CraigGBR 204293221102450182126
22P. ScheuerlGER 618442551418DNS222135
23R. SzukielPOL 91DSQ1924302123234147
24K. ByersGBR 2076432233212715197148
25J. SiggersGBR 2061DNF3430262010237150
26J. PerssonSWE 2740364913321524205150
27R. ReemtsmaGER 62118412DSQ8DSQ238151
28M. JankowskiPOL 46124020394312202153
29T. CurtisGBR 2074373326202522199156
30O. AlbrektssonSWE 2738384615132340221159
31J. DisselGER 690171242463139223171
32J-D. DellasGER 698DSQ4123331038262175
33B. BomansB 4302635433026226177
34K. Carroll GBR 20544539361612DNF265178
35C. MidtgaardDEN 1259494428282228235180
36R. DeavesK 1993472137513818242185
37D. BourneK 20031016DSQ29DNF20273186
38G. WaldronGBR 20802343DSQ471727274187
39T. SchmidtGER 7071535273653DSQ283196
40M. LeszczynskiPOL 33165834224846260196
41A. DeavesGBR 2010403825383736250204
42J. BallGBR 2065312941443935255205
43P. SoltanPOL 1132228374842DSQ294207
44A. SztormowskiPOL 1163427DSQ355625294207
45D. GerickeGER 695535138343437283224
46G. CaseyGBR 20604247DSQ272957319232
47J. WellsK 2045354543DNF4145326239
48R. CechowiczPOL 37246547405449315244
49D. DameGER 6882764DNF455230335248
50R. BourneGBR 20755837DNF544032338251
51M. Dellas (L)GER 680705639374742327251
52G. HudsonGBR 20565555DNF533341354267
53D. AgerGBR 2007615444494552341274
54R. HengstNZL 4944852DSQ505047364277
55K. NystrømSWE 26535766Ave424655352280
56C. HartmannG 6222923DSQDNF44DSQ375288
57A. AtkinGBR 20714153DSQDSQ5531378291
58A. Steenfelt-JensenD 1238607155564944371294
59S. ShawGBR 2039627248555848379301
60E. VliegenthartH 637636852525154376302
61M. Reddyhoff (L)GBR 2058525053606258371303
62J. OwenGBR 207769675067DNF33403316
63A. KuypersNED 6604661DSQ686051403316
64M. FinderGER 579665946635959388316
65M. RomanPOL 355163DSQDSQ6134407320
66T. NevelingGER 6645660DNF666453416329
67N. GoodheadGBR 2069686945646560407332
68R. ThorneGBR 2006757749595766419336
69V. KieneG 2252542DSQDSQDNSDNS427340
70L. EvansNZL 483767956576363430345
71A. DumbletonGBR 19976457DNF58DNF56433346
72J-E. NystedtSWE 996548DSQDNFDNS43435348
73C. ColleB 9171765165DNF61441354
74R. SchroeterG 6333370DNF62DNFDNS444357
75R. DodardFRA 2000727854DSQ6664451364
76T. VogelzangNED 6597462DSQ61DNF62457370
77R. BanckenH 6387374DSQDNFDNS65491404
78J-P. GuibertF 18005975DSQDNSDNSDNS494407
79M. DomroesGER 5906773DNFDNFDNSDNS500413
80C. Eddy (USA)GBR 20647780DNSDNFDNS67503416